My San Francisco Trip, Part 2

Since we had rented a car for our drive to San Francisco, we took the opportunity to venture outside of the city and go further to two main places. The first place was Sausalito. If you’ve never heard of Sausalito, it’s a city over the Golden Gate Bridge in the beautiful Marin County. If you’re in San Francisco, you can get to Sausalito by the Ferry that you can pick up by Fisherman’s Wharf, take one of the large green buses, or drive like we did.  The history of  Sausalito first started as a shipbuilding center in World War II,  but years and years and years later got a reputation and still has one to this day as a wealthy area that has a HUGE ART COMMUNITY which I absolutely love! The town and all the houses look like they’re from a fairy tale. When I lived in San Francisco, I would take monthly trips to Sausalito because I loved it there so much but my husband had never been so it was really fun to take him and show him all my favorite spots. Not to mention, we both enjoyed the nice cold weather by the water. 

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After being in the cold weather of Sausalito we decided to drive further inland to the famously wonderful Napa Valley and Sonoma area, where it jumped to about twenty degrees hotter. A lot of you know that I hate the sweltering heat but we still had so much fun in beautiful Napa Valley. Besides wine tasting, there were cute play areas for kids and absolutely gorgeous gardens that were pollinated by honeycomb bees. There were also fields of lavender which is my favorite herb and fragrance and made the area so calming. I’ve been to Napa Sonoma before but has never seen grapes growing on a vine up close before so that was also very neat for me to experience. I will have to say the best part about being in that are was all the natural petrified wood sculptures and furniture they had at the big wine tasting barn.  My husband and I both took photos sitting on them and I felt like I was in Game of Thrones with my bat sleeves.




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I hope you enjoy all my photos here and thank you for letting me share my journey to Northern California with you all. If you’ve never been to San Francisco, Marin County, or anywhere in Northern California, I definitely recommend taking a trip there. 


My Trip to San Francisco, Part 1

I was recently in San Francisco, aka, my second home and had an absolutely wonderful time. San Francisco will always hold a special place in my heart for me for a few reasons. First reason is that I moved there right after I graduated high school to start attending the Academy of Art University and was so excited. It’s also my favorite place to live and I had lived there for almost 10 years. Also I met my husband there which is the best reason. I was very sad when we had to move back to Southern California, but we are planning on buying a house in San Francisco in the future.

   On my latest trip the weather was nice and cool as welI as foggy which I’ve missed. I took so many photos that I really had to edit which ones I wanted to post here but I still had to break this post in half.  My first set of photos here include shots of and around Haight Ashbury, in and out of my favorite vintage shops in one of my old neighborhoods, the Castro, which is the biggest gay pride community, (I’m so glad I got to be there during Pride month)  pictures from going out with one of my best long time girlfriends Lydia aka my wifey, and near downtown on Nob hill having a proper English Afternoon Tea with the love of my life at the incredibly gorgeous Fairmont Hotel. I hope you all enjoy and stay tuned to Part 2.






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My Trip Tomorrow

I wanted to write this quick post just to say that I’m really excited about my trip with my husband to San Francisco tomorrow.  I think it’s awesome we are going during Pride. I lived there for many years and that city holds a very special place in my heart. It’s where I went to college and most importantly, it’s where I met my husband, the love of my life.

Here are a few photos from the last time I was there. These were just a few of my hangouts.





I definitely plan on taking lots of new photos and content so share and plan on doing a lot of fun things so stay tuned! Thank you to all my followers and supporters here. I appreciate all of you.

My Evening Outfit on Date Night

Two evenings ago my husband I had our date night. That included seeing the brand new “Stars Wars, the last Jedi,” which we loved. After the movie we went to one of our favorite sushi restaurants, “Ra.” It was a lot of fun and my husband wanted to take photos of my date outfit. I wore a black tank top with a lace heart on the back, new silver trousers, my 7 inch black sparkly heels, my fabulous tailored Calvin Klein blazer, and my sparkly rhinestone neck scarf that my husband bought years ago on the first vacation we ever went to which was New York City. I also donned my silver flower clip in my hair. It was a fun evening and I’m so grateful my husband helps and supports me when I need him too and that we get to work together a lot.



  • Hope you enjoy this date night look of mine and if you have any questions about the outfit or where I got things, leave it in a comment below. Thank you.

My Trip to Dublin Ireland


I came back home on the 24th, the day after Thanksgiving and the flights were almost a form of torture because I definitely was ready to come home. My week in Dublin was amazing and I took a lot of photos. When my husband and I first flew out, we had to make a stop over into Toronto, which I had never been to so I can now check it off my box of places to travel. I even got a picture with a Canadian penguin.


Then we arrived in Dublin between 8 and 9 in the morning their time since Dublin is eight hours ahead. We took a cab from the airport to our hotel and while doing that I filmed the beautiful greenery and houses. It was beautiful. Our taxi driver was really cool telling us good streets to go to for shopping, eating, drinking, etc. I didn’t realize how small Dublin was. As many of you know, I lived in San Francisco for many years which is a small beautiful city. I believe Dublin is smaller.


   Once we got to the hotel, because of the time change, we were definitely tired so we definitely needed a nap. After that we just ordered room service cause we were very tired to walk. That was day one.

The next day, we got bundled up because it was about 48 degrees outside, which I loved, (that’s my type of weather,) and left the hotel to explore the city. Again like San Francisco, Dublin is definitely a walking city which is my favorite. I love walking everywhere no matter what the weather. We walked all over. Like what I said in my last youtube video, the architecture and the old buildings were amazing and it’s so interesting to learn about the history of many of these works of art.

Day TwoThe first meal we ate that day was a small but delicious restaurant called “Beshoff” that was know for their best fish and chips which definitely caught my eye and they lived up to their name. I took a picture of the food cause it was amazing!


   After that, we walked a lot more and got to see the gardens of the child statues that was a memoriam of the children who were lost in the 1916 Easter Rising. It’s sad but the way they did the garden and statues were beautiful. After that we walked past more churches and other old beautiful buildings. Once we got back to our hotel, we went to the bar downstairs and befriended a very nice bartender named Gary who told us good sites to see and the three of us talked for hours. I had about four whisky sours and was feeling no pain. The bartender was honest and he said if you like to walk, you don’t need to do any specific bus tours because the city is so small unless there were specific things we wanted to do such as going to the castles, etc. After getting hammered, we went to a pub and restaurant called “Murray’s” It was definitely a nice second day.



Day three we started our day off at a delicious coffee house called “Esquires” across from our hotel  with warm crossiants and coffee and it was so nice to be able to sit in comfy chairs and have them bring everything to us to our table unlike Starbucks. After we walked we went to an extraordinary area where the shopping was amazing. It would be like the equivalent to Harrods in England and SAKS 5th avenue in the states. They had just put the beautiful Christmas lights up which made the area more special. After shopping, we walked to Trinity College which was definitely on our agenda. My husband and I don’t necessarily like always having a strict agenda when we travel. We usually have a little list of sites we want to see but we don’t like to be set to specific times on vacation. That evening we went back to our hotel bar for a drink, and then we went to the the film “Justice League.” I hated “Batman vs. Superman,” but since we are comic book people and my husband really wanted to see it, we saw it at the Savoy theatre down the street, which is one of the largest movie theaters. I must say this, the new characters were cool to watch in this film and it was definitely and upgrade from the last one. After the flick, we went again back to the bar in our hotel which was called the “Academy Plaza,” by the way. We had another few rounds of drinks. I drank whisky sours my entire time at the bar. Yummy! For dinner, we went to a restaurant called, “Flannagans,”steak house which was amazing.











Day four we had our breakfast at a cute vintage diner called, “Eddie Rockets,” which is the equivalent of “Johnny Rockets” here and we both had an egg over avocado toast.  We did more walking and took more photos of the old flats and buildings, and more. We past a bunch of casinos which was a surprise because we didn’t know how many casinos there were and how popular they were in Dublin. We shall be going there on our next trip. Again later that day, we ended up at same bar and drank yummy beer and cocktails and all the bartenders knew us by then which was funny. They were all so nice.


*There were things that we wanted to do such a go to the Waterford Crystal tour and the ghost bus tour but the weather was freezing and pouring that we wouldn’t have really been able to enjoy it.

Day five it had stopped pissing rain but was super windy that it was about thirty degrees out. I love the cold weather so I was in heaven. We mostly walked and saw more sites around the city and of course when it got to be too cold at 3pm their time, we started drinking again. haha. My husband and I aren’t big drinkers at home so we wanted to splurge. After that, we went to eat at “Flannagans” steakhouse again because it was so delicious that we had to go back.




Day six, (which was Thanksgiving in America,) we went back to “Esquires” for our warm coffee and croissants and chatted with the people that worked there. I must say that every shop and restaurant we went to were extremely kind, even if they were drunk which isn’t always the case in the states. It was still freezing but we walked around back to the shopping district where we went into this fun Irish Gift shop called, “Carrols,” so we could buy presents for our family back home. I even bought an Irish condom, which I don’t need to use, but as a gag gift for a family member. We took more photos of course and went back to the Academy Plaza to get warm from the cold and then guess what…. we went to the bar again and chatted with the bartenders. They were definitely sad for us to go. We ate dinner in the hotel that night too. We then went back to our room to pack for our flight out the next day.

Last day we woke up early to catch our taxi to the airport. From there we stopped in Toronto again. It was a VERY long flight to Toronto. It was even more long long because my husband and I were anxious to get home. We arrived in Toronto where we had Wahlburgers where I had a very long and yummy hot dog. We had to go there cause my husband had never been to one before. Then we boarded our flight bound to Los Angeles.



   Again the flight seemed longer than before because we were so wanting to get home. We loved our trip but definitely missed our house. We touched down in Los Angeles airport and got home finally. Our sleep was off because we had been eight hours ahead in Dublin, but now that it’s the second day home, our sleep schedules are better.

All in all our trip to Dublin was amazing and I definitely  recommend seeing it once in your life.

Carry-On Travel Tips and Tricks

Recently when I was looking at the last packing tip video, I decided to do an  advice and tip and tricks travel video about what to pack and tips and tricks with your carry on. Here it is. Hope you enjoy these ideas and I’ll be back soon after my trip. Thank you.

November Trip

   I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween. Autumn is my favorite season, and the weather is finally starting to feel like it where I live.  I also love the time change and that it’s getting dark early. It’s crazy how fast this year is going and that we’re in November. I have some things coming up this month that I’m excited about. The biggest thing is that next Friday I’m going on vacation to Dublin, Ireland. I wanted to mention and write about it because this upcoming trip is very special to me. This will be the first trip out of the country with my husband. We’ve both been to Europe  in the past but never together so I can’t express how happy I am to go with him. This will also both be our first time in the country of Ireland, so we will get to explore the city together. We already made a list of what we want to do and see in Dublin. That includes going to the Guinness Factory, (of course,) seeing Trinity college, going on a Haunted History tour, looking at extraordinary Irish castles , and much more.  dublin


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   I already bought some things for the trip such as a new fabulous winter coat and a  beautiful rose gold cosmetic bag kit. I plan on watching my travel video that I did a few months ago before going on my last trip to make sure I have everything and to follow my own tips and advice,  HaHaHa. If you haven’t seen “Tips to Editing Beauty Products while Traveling.” check it out below.


I can’t wait to see Dublin then share my experience here with you. Stay tuned.


Traveling in Style


   I’ve been packing and unpacking a lot this past year, so much that I could do it in my sleep. My last excursion  was to the Midwest for a business trip. I was in a city that I had never been to before so the tips below definitely helped me. I think I’ve definitely become somewhat of an expert in making sure I have everything I need when I travel without over doing it by packing everything but the kitchen sink. With that said, I wanted to share some traveling tips to remember when you’re getting yourself ready for a trip, whether it’s overnight, for a week, or a month.


1. Weather Check- It’s a must to check to see what the weather will be like for the days you’re traveling. Also this saves you time and energy from over packing and guessing what your destination is going to be like.  I always look up the weather on my phone anyways, but usually a week before, I look up the place I’m traveling to on week at a time so I can keep track of the conditions there and I have a better idea of what and what not to bring.

2. Organization is Key- I know I’ve said this m ore than once in the past concerning different topics,  but making a check list, whether you use a pen and a piece of paper or keep your list in your phone, it’s good to write or type out all the essentials. This stops you from having an “OH FUCK,” moment when you realize you left something important at your house and don’t have time or can’t go back to get it. 

3. Fashionably Comfortable- It’s very important to dress and be comfortable while traveling, especially if you’re flying. With that said, you don’t need to feel that the only way to be comfortable is to be in your pajamas or track suit if you don’t want to be. You can still rock your style. I usually will wear silk pants with a cute top or leggings with a rock and roll shirt. I also prefer to carry a good size handbag in case I want to bring my tablet or buy magazines, etc. I just stick them in my handbag and then my hands stay free and it’s more convenient.  I rarely wear shorts, skirts, or a dress unless they’re long if I’m flying because airplanes tend to be cold.

   As far as shoes go, make sure they will be comfortable the whole time you travel to your destination. Also if you’re flying, you will definitely be asked to remove your shoes while going through security so wearing a pair that can easily be taken off and put back on is the more practical way to go. Oh and try not to wear a lot of jewelry with metal because you’ll also be asked to remove it.

Here are some fashion ideas that I’ve worn while traveling: Leggings with a rock and roll shirt, silk pants with a crop top, etc.

4.  Packing your jewelry and small items- I pack my jewelry, hair accessories and other small items in clear bags such he bigger size Ziploc bags. This way I can see and find exactly what I’m looking for and not. Even if it’s a nice piece, I’ll pack it with it’s protective box in a bag. It also saves my jewelry from getting tangled up by me rummaging trying to find a specific item.

5. Editing your Cosmetics and other beauty products- For this part, I decided to do a small video to show how I edit and choose what beauty items to pack without  over packing on products bringing every single color traveling  my cosmetics and other.


   I decided to do a video for this topic because I think it would be easier to explain visually how I decide what pack and what I use to pack my products in.

Think about what you need and use on a daily basis such as your cleanser, moisturizer, powder, etc., and focus on packing just that. When it comes to makeup, depending on how long your trip will be of course, you don’t need to bring every single color lipstick or eye shadow with you. Edit you makeup by what you wear the most. For example, I will definitely pack the foundation, concealer, and powder that I use the most.  Makeup palettes are definitely perfect for traveling because they have a variety of colors that usually all go together but are more compact than bringing a bunch of single pans. Some palettes, like the Rockstar palette by “The Balm Cosmetics,” even contain a blush, a highlighter, and lip/cheek stains.

6. Last Tip- My last travel tip is an obvious one but it’s to save some room in your luggage for any souvenirs you get while on your travels.

I hope this post and these tips work as ideas for the next time you travel. Thank you for reading.

My trip to Las Vegas

  This past Wednesday, I left to take my mini jaunt to Las Vegas. Coincidentally, it was the same day that all the Southwest airline systems and computers crashed causing a horrible delay for all the flights. It was very frustrating but I managed to finally get to Vegas about three hours later then planned. When I touched down in Vegas, I immediately went to the MGM Grand Hotel to check in. After waiting in the check in line for about 45 minutes, I FINALLY got my room key. I was so exhausted and was very happy to get to my room where I watched “Deadpool,” on the movie station and ordered myself a lovely room service dinner. It was a nice relaxing evening after a long hot day of traveling which should’ve been a very short and easy trip.

The next morning, I woke up early and treated myself again to room service, a delicious breakfast then got dressed to start my day. About fifteen minutes before ten am, I took a cab over to my friend and amazing artist Dirk Vermin’s tattoo shop, “Pussykat Tattoo,” to get a new tattoo on my rib cage, which was a beautiful Bettie Page portrait that I had chosen. This was to be the highlight of my trip. It was so nice to see him and we talked for a bit before he actually got started on my piece. I had already sent him the exact image I wanted and he and I came up with a great way to do it as well as the right placement on me and look and style of it. We then got started and for the next few hours, Dirk and I had our fun ink session. A few times we had to take breaks, not because I was in a lot of pain, but because of other things, including  fans coming into to meet him, a consultation, and other things. I met some of the other artists that worked at his shop and friends which was fun. Finally about five minutes before my piece was finished, I told him I needed a break because of the pain but it ended up being perfect timing because during that time, Dirk’s fiance’ (and my new friend), Erica came in. I was so happy to finally meet her in person and I instantly loved her. We chatted for awhile and then Dirk finally finished my Bettie Banger piece which turned out beautifully. I was so happy and was immediately in love with my new ink. When we finished, Erica drove me back to my hotel.



That night, Dirk and Erica picked me up to go out and we went to the new “Wahlburgers” restaurant where I met one of Dirk’s friends who worked there who was very nice. The three of us sat the bar and had some yummy cocktails (and shots) and delicious food. I also showed my lovely Bettie off which everyone seemed to like, talked and compared stories with Erica about our men, had one of the bartenders talk to me about different psychobilly bands, and take photos. It was a really fun night and even with the 109 degree weather outside, I had an absolute blast with them. When they later dropped me off at my hotel, I fell asleep because I had an early flight back the next morning.


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When I was dropped off at the airport in the morning I was really upset to learn that Southwest was still having a lot of problems and had canceled my flight home. I was able to get another one but into LAX which is not closest to where I live. On top of that, my flight was almost two hours late because of waiting for one of the flight attendants to arrive from another destination. The plane was so hot and uncomfortable that  I was glad it wasn’t a long flight. Finally when I touched down and arrived in Los Angeles and got my ride, I was so happy. It was so nice to get home after what felt like days in the airport.

Besides the airport problems I had, my mini trip to Las Vegas was a lot of fun and I was very happy I had gone out there. Getting my Bettie pinup girl and seeing and going out with my friends was definitely worth the trip. I can’t wait until Dirk and Erica come out to California next and hopefully they will get to meet my man and talk about getting him a new tattoo as well on our next Vegas vacation. A huge thank you again to Dirk!