My Long Weekend of Celebrations

I know I haven’t posted in awhile but I’m going to try to get back in the swing of things. I thought writing about this past weekend would be a good comeback. May 6th is my birthday and May 9th was my very first Mother’s Day plus it was my sons 6 month birthday on the same day. I had a lot to celebrate and a lot of desserts at different celebrations.

My mom bought me a small cake a few days early than my birthday which was great to start with. Then my hubby bought a huge cake from my favorite bakery, “Porto’s.” Then the day before Mother’s Day, my grandma and her caretaker bought me not just another birthday cake but a Mother’s Day treat for my first mommy’s day. It was so sweet. I’m so glad I got to celebrate these special times with my family and especially my beautiful boy on his birthday!

Tips for Starting a Blog and/or a Youtube Channel


Hello to all my friends. I know the majority of you know that besides this and my art site, I have a youtube channel. I’ve posted many of my youtube videos here. Because I have a place to film and a place to blog and write my articles, I thought I would post some tips that are very helpful if you’re thinking of creating your own blog and channel. Hope these help you start your own fantastic media sites.


1. Before even beginning setting up your page, think carefully about the your idea and the things that you wan’t to talk about. When I started Bombshell, I knew I wanted it to not just be about Pinup but also music, and horror films, etc., which is why I included all those things in my bombshell description on my main title page.

2. Decide what blog company site you want to use. I personally really like WordPress but there are other great blog domain sites that are out that, some that I’ve used in the past.

3. Think long and hard before choosing a domain name. Make sure it fits with your blog and website theme. Also search different sites before you settle on the price of your domain name and how long you have it before you renew it. Different sites very.

My other blog site:


1. Think of a good channel name that represents yourself and what you plan on making videos about. It can be simple like mine, Carlie Michelle.

2. Don’t start a youtube channel just for money. It took me a long time to get a lot of subscribers and I only have 7,000 which may sound a lot, and it is, but not compared to channels like beauty gurus who have over a million subscribers. (This helpful tip can relate to your blog and website.) I make videos because I really enjoy making them. I love talking about important topics, have rants sometimes, do beauty videos, tutorials, etc. It’s really fun and I get satisfaction knowing that some people enjoy my content and it inspires certain people, such as my younger cousins.

3. I recommend doing a or a few demo videos to check the lighting of your camera, even if it’s your Iphone camera. There are different size circle lights that you can get many places including online that aren’t always expensive. Those can help get your preferred lighting. Below this, I’m going to post an early youtube video I shot with not the best lighting because I hadn’t the right equipment yet and needed to learn my best lighting technique. Then I’ll post a more recent, clearer video with better lighting so you can see the different.  Click this tip for one of my video links:

Earlier video of mine with dark lighting where you could barely see me. Showing these both so you can tell the difference. My youtube channel is Carlie Michelle.



Sunday Morning Coffee Chat, “Entitlement PART ONE & TWO.”

   Today for my over-due Sunday Morning Coffee Chat had to film these two videos because they are extremely important topics and can save you life!!!!!!! (I actually posted these two videos this past Tuesday July 2nd to my youtube channel, but I felt these are very important videos and are great topic for Sunday Morning Coffee Chat.”

These are definitely not the norm videos I usually upload to my channel but this topic is very close to my heart. Please check out part 1 and then part 2 and leave your comments below. Also please subscribe here and to my youtube channel if you haven’t already yet. And on my youtube channel, when you subscribe, click the bell icon so you are first in line to see my new and latest youtube vids!

I’m Devastated

This is a brief post of how I’ve been feeling with certain events that have just happened in our world. Normally I like to keep my sites fun and positive but I can not sit here and not say anything. I’m talking about the horrendous mass shooting that a happened a few days ago at the Dar-ul-Arqam mosque temple in the San Diego County town of Escondido during Passover (One of our High Holidays) Celebration. I’m definitely going to do a video to talk more in detail about this tragic event but like I said, I need to say something. Even tho I do practice positive witchcraft, I was born Jewish and still celebrate the holidays every year. You all probably knew that if you’ve been following me for a while, seeing my husband and I in our matching Hanukah sweaters, etc.

   San Diego is barely two hours away from me and even where I live, even tho I’m in California, there has been a lot of anti-semite activity almost in my backyard which is very scary. I also have family close be me who were in the middle of the recent anti-semitism event. South of Los Angeles is very different. Orange County and passed is a lot more conservative and has a lot of different views then Los Angeles does. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bashing where I currently live. Newport is so beautiful and there is a good size Jewish population out here. I just wanted to explain how different an hour makes from Orange County to Los Angeles. 

I’ll definitely talk more in detail when I shoot my video but I want to end this by saying that all of us, Jewish and Non-Jewish need to stick together and stay strong and don’t let any hate crimes or fear hold us down.



Video To Me From Bethenny Frankel

   Ok you all know how much I love Bethenny Frankel. I’ve met her and corresponded with her many times and have loved her the moment she joined Real Housewives of New York almost twelve years ago and have enjoyed watching her and her business grow. Her daughter is absolutely precious and her brand is all around fabulous. I also support and have donated to her charity, B Strong which I’ve written a few articles about, including on here. Just type in her name in the search area.

   Over the holidays she sent me this beautiful and kind video courtesy of my mom. It was a  nice feeling to know that Bethenny remembered when she first met me at one of her book signings I attended about seven years ago. 

   This is very special to me and I hope you enjoy. If you happen to have any questions about Bethenny or this video, feel free to leave them in the comments.

The Samhain Society


  I’m so excited to be part of the Samhain Society! Thank you to my new girlfriend Alexandra Walden who runs her amazing blog and site, “Me and Annabel Lee,” which you definitely need to check her subscription . She helped me and welcomed me for being a member officially.  Enjoy my, “The Samhain Society” badge and the link for THE SAMHAIN SOCIETY, Society/. Click on the link or you can click on my badge to see the Samhain Society.  And big shoutout to my new friend to Alexandra and make sure to check out her blog and site. 😉 Oh and one more thing, I was so excited to be added to the Society list! I’m very proud of being part of the Samhain Society and love my new friends!!!





Financial BIG Tips and Tricks

Figure out where your money is going:

   Having a large amount of debt doesn’t mean that you can’t make big purchases. Although you have to have to very smart in your approach, there is almost always a way to find the funds you . The first (and most crucial) step that you should take, is to find out where your money is going. In other words, you must have a budget which is so crazy that so many people say they don’t that. Maybe because I have a BRILLIANT ACCOUNTANT FATHER. He does a lot financial work. A budget enables you to know how much money you have to put aside toward your big purchase.

Make a savings plan:

The best strategy for making a big purchase while in debt is to not add more of it. Rather than applying for another credit card/ loan right away, see what you can do to save up for the item that you need. Since you’ve already made a budget, you should know exactly how much you can set aside each week. If your finances and timing allow, create a savings journal so you can reach your goal in an estimated date for when you plan to reasonably reach that crossroad. Depending on the urgency of the big purchase you’ll be making, see how long you can go without in order to avoid further debt.

Quickly clean up your credit if you will need financing:

 Whether you have to find a replacement for your car, etc, you may not be able to pay off all of your existing debt right away.

   If your priority is to buy your desired purchase, do whatever you can to quickly clean up your credit.  I myself am very good at paying all my credit card bills on time and in full to avoid interest. Of course sometime emergencies happen which is why I have a certain credit card for that but for the most part, I pay everything off.  Another financial tip, which should be a no-brainer is to pay your bills on time, even if it’s the minimum balance. That way you don’t rack up any late fees. Any boost to your credit score (and reduction of your current debt) will make your life sooooooo much easier and you’ll be able to do things in your life, like buy a house, have money set away  for your children, and a lot more.


photos above are not my original work.

My Interview on The Pretty and the Kitsch

I met Emily awhile ago and we became fast friends. She runs a blog called “The Pretty and the Kitsch.”  It’s about all things VINTAGE so of course I was instantly drawn to her. Since then, we chat almost every day and she is a truly kind lady with such a positive aura and energy around her. I was so flattered she wanted to interview me for her blog site and I had a lot of fun answering her questions. I’m hoping her followers and you guys as well learn a little bit more about me outside of what I write and talk about here, and what I film about on my youtube channel. I’ll be doing a feature on her soon so you all can learn more about her. In the meantime, make sure to check out her page,

Interview with Carlie of Bombshell!


Today I am absolutely thrilled to be interviewing one of my favourite humans, rockabilly pinup model Carlie Michelle of Bombshell! Carlie is a pinup model, burlesque performer, incredibly talented artist and all around bad ass woman – and she manages do it all with a wonderful sense of humour and genuine kindness. She is such an inspiration to me and I hope you all enjoy this interview! 🙂

Everyday Style Carlie Michelle

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your blog, Bombshell!

When I first started my blog, I knew I definitely wanted it to be pinup and rock and roll inspired because those are two huge passions of mine. As my site progressed I decided I wanted to write articles, tips, reviews, etc that everyone can benefit everyone no matter what any kind of style and interests and not just people in the rockabilly/pinup lifestyle. Even though my site is still rock and roll pinup based, I don’t limit myself to only talking and writing about those two things. I like writing and posting about anything I want. It feels more natural and organic that way.

When did you first get into the vintage and rockabilly lifestyle? What was it about it that drew you to this way of living and expressing yourself?

I’ve always loved the vintage lifestyle. I grew up watching classic Hollywood films and classic burlesque performers and I always thought the style and clothing were so elegant and beautiful. I also feel happy when I watch classic films. What drew me to pinups and that lifestyle is the creativity behind it. I have an art background and love expressing myself in many forms, including fashion and wearing rockabilly/pinup styled clothing allows me to fully do that. Also I’ve always loved dancing and the first time I tried burlesque, I instantly fell in love with it. I love doing burlesque and it’s another way to express my art and creativity.

Tell us about how and why you became a pinup model. How did this journey begin for you?

I used to do different forms of modeling and doing pinup was the most fun and comfortable for me and I felt the most beautiful so I decided to just mainly do that kind of modeling. I still enjoy doing photoshoots with different themes that aren’t pinup-based but pinup shoots will always be my favorite.

Emerald Burlesque Carlie Michelle

What is it like being a pinup model?

Being a pinup model is wonderful. I have so much fun doing it which is the most important thing for me.

What do you love the most about it?

I think the thing I love most about doing pinup is the way it makes you feel. You feel so confident and beautiful and I love dressing up and adding some extra glamour to my life. I’ve helped do vintage hair and makeup on past shoots for other models and I enjoy seeing them love how they look and feel gorgeous as well.

What is the hardest thing about being a pinup model?

The hardest thing about modeling is making sure you work with legit, respectful, and professional people. This goes for any type of modeling. Definitely do your research on photographers and the people who organize them before you decide to do a shoot.

Holiday Pinup Carlie Michelle

How has your life changed since becoming a pinup model?

The only thing that changed my life a bit is that I sometimes get recognized from other pinup and burlesque performers, photographers, etc., which is very cool. I’ve also been in more publications a lot more in the past few years. which again is really exciting for me. Besides that, my life hasn’t changed.

What would you like other women to know about the pinup/vintage/rockabilly lifestyle?

I would like women to know, especially ones who want to be pinup models, that you can do pinup shoots and/or have a rockabilly style outside of shoots at any age, shape, and size. When I’m out and about I’ve had women compliment me and my style and then they tell me “I could never be able to pull that off.” When they say that, I tell them that they can absolutely be a model pinup and adapt the style. Being a pinup girl is all about confidence and can be a very positive experience. They pinup/rockabilly is all about expressing your self, and your body and feeling gorgeous no matter what.

What would you like other women to know about the modeling industry in general and the pinup modeling industry in particular?

9. This is pretty much the same thing I said for question 4 but I can’t stress this enough. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS PUT YOUR SAFETY FIRST! That’s the most important thing. NO SHOOT IS EVER WORTH YOU COMPROMISING YOUR SAFTEY OR DEALING WITH UNPROFESSIONAL PEOPLE!

Rockabilly Pinup Carlie Michelle

I know being a pinup model can’t be all glamour and photo shoots, so can you tell us about a typical day in your life?

I work from home which is very nice. My typical day includes me waking up, enjoying my coffee while sitting down and watch a morning movie which is usually a horror movie (I love watching scary films first thing in the morning.). After I’m more awake, I do a little exercise which is either belly dancing drills, burlesque, During the day, I go out to do any errands or appointments first. When I get back home I work on my artwork and my writing, and sometimes film a little video on my youtube channel. My husband usually is home from work in the late afternoon, early evening so we spend our time together having dinner and watch our favorite shows or a movie and just relax together.

How would you describe your day to day style?

I would describe my style as eclectic. Even though my style is mostly vintage/pinup inspired, I don’t limit myself to only wear vintage or rockabilly clothing. I’ve always been in love with fashion since I was super young and even though fashion wasn’t my major I still took some fashion design courses at my art university and loved them. (I still have my fashion portfolio.) I dress how I want to and how I’m feeling that day. I love wearing a cute vintage clothing as well as wear classic gorgeous clothing such as my tailored suit. As long as I love and feel good about what I’m wearing, I’m happy.

Who (or what) is your personal style inspiration?

There are definitely more than one person that inspires me but my favorite is Audrey Hepburn. She is my favorite actress and is a HUGE FASHION ICON! Every thing she ever wore both in films and in her regular life was always so effortless and elegant. I have several books just dedicated to her fashion. I also get inspired by fashion magazines (pinup and regular) and have a fashion folder from ripped pages and pictures that inspires me and my looks.

Carlie Michelle Breakfast At Tiffany's

Do you have a favorite vintage or modern fashion designer?

Again there are several fashion designers that I absolutely love but here are some tops. Betsey Johnson, Michael Kors, Hermes, Chanel are definitely my top favs. As far as rockabilly/ pinup brands that are my favorites include Sourpuss Clothing, Hellbunny Deluxe, Voodoo Vixen, and Pinup Girl Clothing

What are your hopes and dreams for your career as a pinup model?

I’m not sure actually. I’m just enjoying doing pinup now.

What would be your absolute dream collaboration or photoshoot?

My dream collaboration, photoshoot and youtube video, would be with Cherry Dollface. Also I would love to do a double burlesque performance with Dita Von Teese. I’ve met Dita and she is so classy and very kind.


Freddie Vs Jason Carlie Michelle

Aside from fashion and modelling and all of that fun and wonderful stuff, what would you say are your favourite things?

My favorite things include practicing Wicca. I’m very spiritual and started Wicca since I was thirteen. Music is also another favorite of mine. Music is a must for me and I grew up in a household where we all listened to rock and roll music. My parent’s are HUGE ‘BEATLES’ fans and had a whole room with Beatle Memorabillia and I seriously thought the Fab 4 were my uncles.

I also LOVE LOVE LOVE watching movies especially HORROR FILMS! I’m a self-proclaimed HORROR WHORE.

Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you and your life?

Something’s should remain a mystery. Just kidding! (WINK WINK). I would like others to know that my family means everything to me. I love and appreciate them and their support. I also consider my close friends part of my family!

Do you have any words of advice for women who might be thinking of getting into modelling or becoming a pinup model?

Besides me talking about being safe in an earlier question, my main advice for new models is to just have confidence in yourself and what you do. Also do not let ANYONE discourage you from doing what you love to do.

Pinup Bombshell Carlie Michelle

Do you have any exciting plans for 2018 that you’d like to tell us about?

I’m being published in four magazines and publications which I’m very excited about. Also I have some more avant-garde photoshoots coming up. And of course working on new art series, pieces, and creations. Basically just continuing to do what I enjoy!

Where can we find you online?

On online you can find me at these places:

Blog Site:

YouTube: CarlieMichelle

Instagram: CarlieMichelle66

Facebook: Carlie Sorat

Twitter: @carliesorat

Deviant Art:



Carlie Michelle

Thank you so much Carlie, for taking the time to answer my questions! It has been so much fun getting to know more about you! I wish you all the best in everything you do! ❤

I hope you all enjoyed this interview with Carlie! Isn’t she awesome? 🙂 If there is anyone you would like to see interviewed here in the future, let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best!